We crossed the Louisiana state border on Wednesday morning. Louisiana became a French colony in 1682 when explorer Robert de La Salle sailed down the Mississippi River and claimed much of the interior of North America for France. He called this land the Louisiana Territory after King Louis XIV. At that time the current state of Louisiana was just a small part of a much larger territory. In 1803, the United States purchased Louisiana from France as part of the Louisiana Purchase. Read more
Month: November 2017
Big Bend NP, San Antonio and Austin
Nous sommes arrivés au parc national de Big Bend dimanche en fin de matinée. Ce parc de 3200 m² à l’extreme sud ouest du Texas est un des plus isolés et des moins visités de tout les Etats-Unis (hors Alaska). Cependant sa beauté vaut très largement l’énorme détour. Délimité au sud par le Rio Grande, qui marque la frontière entre le Mexique et les USA, il est composé de trois zones tous à environ une heure de route les uns des autres. Read more
Santa Fe, Taos, Carlsbad Caverns NP
Our drive from Albuquerque to Santa Fe took us along another scenic route known as the turquoise trail. We stopped for a coffee and hot chocolate (with marshmallows!) in the pretty little village of Madrid. It used to be an old mining village but now houses craft stores, cafes and restaurants. We got to Santa Fe in time for lunch which we had in a kid friendly Mexican restaurant. Read more